Lenny's Shoe & Apparel in Williston, Vermont is your favorite local destination for workwear and outdoor apparel in the Burlington, Vermont area. Our Williston, Vermont store is only minutes away from downtown Burlington and the University of Vermont, and only a short drive from anywhere in Chittenden County! If you're in Burlington and looking for outdoor gear, work boots, work clothing, or outdoor apparel - check us out!
At Lenny's in Williston, we carry a wide selection of footwear and outdoor apparel for men, women, and kids. Some of our favorite brands we carry include Carhartt, Darn Tough Vermont, Hoka, Chippewa, Blundstone, Hydro Flask, YETI, KEEN, KEEN Utility, Timberland Pro, Dansko, Kuhl, Bogs, Crocs, Vera Bradley, and WonderWink.
Our selection of workwear includes work boots (steel toe boots, composite toe boots, and more), work pants, outerwear including fire-resistant clothing, scrubs for medical professionals, and more. In addition to workwear, we also carry a variety of lifestyle clothing for the whole family, including but not limited to sandals, flip flops, slippers, t-shirts, shorts, and rainwear. Plus, you'll love the assortment of drinkware, bags, wallets, and personal care items we stock.
Come visit us today - here at Lenny's, we fit you right!